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Junior Neighbourhood Watch

Created and led by Leading Senior Constable Joe Clarke, Victoria Police, the Junior Neighbourhood Watch program takes an innovative approach to develop new strategies to deliver the Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) message of creating safer communities and to engage young people.

The program, delivered in conjunction with Helen Worcester, Area Coordinator of NHW Mildura, has been developed to decrease the level of apathy within the community in relation to Crime Prevention and personal safety. This is achieved by increasing the level of knowledge of participants and in turn other family members by engaging through education and awareness.

Having started at Mildura West School and Mildura South School in 2015, the program continues to go from strength to strength in Northwest Victoria – now facilitating 15 local schools – and is well received by students, teachers, parents, and the community at large.

The key aims of the program are:

  • Introduce Neighbourhood Watch to Youth in the community
  • Raise the profile of Neighbourhood Watch amongst young people
  • Create a positive learning environment reducing the likelihood of disengagement
  • Educate in relation to crime prevention initiatives and personal safety
  • Educate in relation to road safety
  • Increase the level of awareness of the children’s surroundings
  • Decrease the level of apathy within the home with home tasks
  • Increase positive interaction with Police. Increasing the likelihood of reporting crime
  • Increase the level of perception of safety
  • Create a safer community

The Junior Neighbourhood Watch program can be utilised in any school across Australasia.

For more information on the Junior Neighbourhood Watch Program, contact: admin@nhwa.com.au


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